As years creep in, the cheeks sink in and hollows appear where once they were full and plump. This is due to the shrinking of the supporting muscles. There are four of these muscles on each side of the face. As we grow older these muscles lose their strength and elasticity. And this change produces the pendant or loose jowl characteristic of age, just as their lessened size is the cause of the hollows in the cheeks.
These are voluntary muscles and can be exercised at will. Just as exercise of the muscles of arms, legs and any other part of the body can improve them; exercise of the facial muscles will yield the same result. There have been wide publications of these systems of facial exercises in beauty books and essays. It is termed as "facial gymnastics or making faces" and will produce remarkable results when practiced faithfully and persistently.
\" Facial Muscles\"
A far better and quicker method is a massage system, which I have devised and practiced while the cheek muscles are contracted. By this, satisfactory results can be obtained in a very short time, and with very little trouble.
First familiarize yourself with the position of these cheek muscles. There are eight long muscles, four on each side. They are attached to the cheekbones immediately below the eyes. From there, it descends to become attached to the wide muscular band surrounding the mouth. You can contract these cheek muscles at will, this action forming a bunch on the cheekbones under the eyes.
There is another set of strong muscles that holds up these cheek-supporting muscles. It is also fastened to the cheekbones extending downwards and is attached along the jawbones. This may be termed as the chewing muscle. And while it plays an important part in supporting the cheeks and determining their contour, it cannot be contracted or exercised at will, except in the act of chewing. Its action is independent of the cheek muscles; although when they are contracted upward some tension is placed upon it.
In youth these muscles are, or should be, strong, elastic and can support the tissue and skin overlying them, giving the cheeks the full, round appearance characteristics of that period of life. As years advance, lack of exercise can shrink and lose their former size, strength and elasticity just as any muscle of the body will do under like conditions. The skin covering will lose its support, fall into the creases and create wrinkles.
These are the obvious indications of physical age, as they tell the tale of the shrunken mus¬cles underlying. There is one cure for these wrinkles, wasted chin and hollow cheeks and that is the restoration of the sup¬porting muscles to their former plumpness and strength. All the so-called solutions such as medicinal preparations, "skin foods", etc. would not work especially if not accompanied by exercises.
It is true that by a system of diet, and especially by drinking copiously of milk, an increase of fatty tissues can be obtained. The face will become more plump and the surface of the skin smoother. But if the underlying muscles are not developed the face will still present a flabby look, the jowl may sag and the appearance of a double chin be more pronounced. These facial indications of physical age are not especially the signs of advanced years, being principally due to lack of exercise of the supporting facial muscles.
The explanation of the speedy enlargement of the muscles "deeply massaged" would be that the network of blood vessels and the countless capillaries become distended when pumped by blood through the process. This is a healthy congestion and if persistently practiced, will have a permanent development thus returning the elasticity and fullness of youth.
I do not claim that large muscles produced by this method indicate great strength. But for a faster and obvious result in regaining the plumpness and filling out of the cheeks, chin and jaw, this is the most effective way.
Exercises for Sagging Facial Muscles and Hollow Cheeks
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This article is an excerpt from the e-book, The Man Who Grew Younger: Secrets to Fitness & Health for the Middle-aged and Beyond []. Visit the e-book's website to find unique natural fitness and health tips, all proven highly effective. Numerous other excellent fitness e-books are also available at []